Assignment 2

Module 3

Interactive Media Object using H5P:

For the interactive media portion of this module, I decided to add a few multiple choice quiz/true or false questions based on my screencast from module 1, which was all about creating simple code using python coding language.

Lesson Plan

Big Idea   

What is the big idea that the learner will walk away with at the end of the lesson that is critical for learners at this stage of their learning path?


Learning Outcome(s)

What specific things will the learner know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?


Evidence of Learning

What does learning look like for this objective? (e.g., accurate performance of a task, correct use of terminology)


What will learners do to provide evidence of their learning? (e.g., a presentation, a test, a project)

Learning Activities

What learning activities will allow learners to acquire and practice the skills necessary to demonstrate their learning and complete the assessment successfully?

The main takeaway from this lesson is to have a solid foundation of how to create simple code and to have a basic understanding of the rules to follow to create that code. These aspects of learning simple code are a necessity to develop a deeper understanding of coding and work their way up to building complex codes.


After this this lesson, the learner will be able know simple coding rules such as defining a function, how to call a function, etc. Additionally, learners will have general knowledge of how to navigate Wing 101 and understand how the programming platform works. Following the lesson, the learner should be able to replicate code of how to calculate the area and circumference of a circle.

Learning this task requires the learner to utilize my lesson as a tutorial and follow along with each step I take. It also requires the learner to use repetition when learning basic code so that it becomes second nature for them, and they have that foundational knowledge to assist them to use more challenging and complex coding language.

To provide evidence of their learning, these learners will demonstrate their own code using Wing 101 and python coding language that replicates the area and circumference of a circle.

To be successful in completing the assessment, learners will use hands on experience with coding. They will also be given the opportunity to work in small groups if they wish to collaborate with each other when stuck on a task.


When creating my lesson plan, I chose to create the lesson plan based on my screencast from module 1, which taught learners how to find the area and circumference of a circle using simple python coding language in Wing 101. Utilizing the principles of design allowed me to delve deeper into this lesson and provide insight as to what viewers will gain from participating in this activity.

Creating my piece of interactive media and utilizing the lesson plan template to demonstrate the principles of backwards learning allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of learning principles along and the importance of active learning. The lesson plan I created gave me the ability to look at the lesson I was teaching from a different perspective. Each piece of the principles of design including big ideas, learning outcomes, evidence of learning, assessment, and learning ideas all tie in together to create a cohesive lesson plan. All key pieces ensure that before the lesson that I have a clear understanding of what the learners are going to gain, and can aid myself in teaching my content more effectively by having that bigger picture laid out and solid comprehension of the material. In addition to my personal reflection that utilizing the principle of backward design for my lesson plan would provide a positive outcome of the effectiveness of my teachings, I also gained further insight from reading Jennifer Gonzales’ article on her perspective of utilizing backward design. I found her reflection of her students’ learning experience of teaching her favourite book “The Outsiders” to be very thoughtful and showed that she understood where she went wrong. She noticed that her students were not gaining anything valuable from the readings, which led to her taking a step back to where she learned about the principles of backward design and realizing that implementing these principles would benefit her students tremendously. Her article highlights the importance of backward design when it comes to teaching and working to set those measurable goals for students in their learning process. 

Throughout this module, there have been certain aspects that have caught my attention, one of which is active and passive learning. I have heard these terms a few times throughout my studies but upon reflection through this module I have developed a deeper understanding of their importance. Partaking in this course I feel as though there has been a solid balance of active and passive learning through the content that is being taught. We have been given creative liberty for each module to create different pieces and write open ended reflections to give us the opportunity to demonstrate our learning and understanding of the course material. Additionally, we have had a chance to engage with our peers through meaningful discussions of all the learning materials, and through utilizing hypothesis for reading annotations. These aspects of the course allow us to demonstrate active learning. The course readings and videos as well as and content within each module provide us with a passive learning experience by simply reading and absorbing the material. Furthermore, it was interesting to learn about the intersection of active learning and multimedia and how it can influence how individuals learn through these media pieces and that complexity does not necessarily equate to a better learning experience . Overall, I gained valuable knowledge of different design principles and the importance of active learning that I can carry on with me and apply to future modules in this course along with other course work. I found the readings and videos to be engaging and insightful, and enjoyed the hands-on experience with creating my simple HP5 media piece, and the lesson plan utilizing backwards learning.